We offer a free support service (subject to availability and waiting times), to those who are living in the Shrewsbury area. We also operate a telephone housing drop-in service – please contact us directly to ask the team about these services.
Your support worker will keep in regular contact with you and together you will carry out a support assessment to help you with identified issues, such as:
- Benefit applications
- Budgeting
- Accessing relevant services for housing needs, mental wellbeing, debt advice, health, employment etc.
- Dealing with utilities and other companies
- General tenancy support
We connect and coordinate with Shropshire wide services to offer you short term, confidential support to assist you to take positive steps towards meeting your goals.
We are gratefully using our The National Lottery Community Fund grant to help provide our housing support services.
Call us on 01743 231 415 Email info@shfa.org.uk